Жаңа маусым келе жатыр, Ladder Bonus менен ең жақсы дәрежеңізді алуға асығыңыз!

Сол - 02:15:52:35 229955

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  • 17 May 2024 @ 16:25 CET
  • 13 Mar 2022
#1 қосылды: 03 Dec 2022 @ 05:39 CET цитата келтіру
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Winter is a truly magical time of the year. We have known this since early childhood.

Remember? This is a burning frost on the cheeks, prickly air that irritatingly tickles the throat with every breath, this is a soft, so pleasant to the ear creak of snow under shoes. This is a laughing kids who are making a big snowman under the windows on a bet with the guys from the neighboring yard - who will have a snowman taller, steeper, more majestic? Or a slide in the yard, which the housing department workers built directly from the snow and filled with water. And the snow fortresses? The strategy was no worse than Warcraft! Only instead of arrows - snowballs...

And you look longingly out the window at your friends who are already waving their hands at you, waiting for your mother to come home from work and let you go to meet adventures. And better dad - it's easier to negotiate with him. And now, the moment comes when you, dressed in armor in the form of a sweater and a down jacket, run out of the house like a bullet, inhale this frosty air, collecting snowballs along the way...

But what about the New Year? After all, this is the holiday that everyone is waiting for - both adults and children. It's a vacation, it's a weekend, it's a bunch of cartoons on TV, it's a refrigerator full of goodies, it's a pine-citrus smell in the apartment, it's Santa Claus and gifts, it's "Home Alone", "Diamond Hand" and constant concerts, fireworks and general fun. A night steeped in magic.

And even now, when childhood is irrevocably gone, we feel this winter attractive magic. Have you noticed how winter comes, and any other time of the year? Spring comes lazily, slowly - the snow melts slowly, the first buds bloom, the rays of the sun become warmer and friendlier. Summer is already coming more confidently - the last puddles are drying up, there are more and more greenery, people are hiding windbreakers and hats in closets. Autumn is like a relative of spring, slowly, carefully removes the foliage from the trees, having previously "sucked" the greenery from them, the gloomy sky and drizzling rains, wind and autumn melancholy come to replace the solar heat.

Winter knocks once - after which it comes in confidently, without a doubt. Just waking up one day, we will see a white veil in the window. Everyone understands that it will melt yet, but it is already clear - here it is, Winter. Knocking. And after that, the snow will already fall until late spring.

But the kids who will make a snowman as soon as the wet snow falls have not gone anywhere. And again a slide will be erected in the yard. And again this New Year's fuss will come, which you will see everywhere, almost at every step. There will be New Year's signs and sales in the windows. Tall artificial Christmas trees will be installed in shopping malls. Even at the kiosk around the corner, a lazy, unfriendly saleswoman will hang tinsel somewhere. And that night you will make a wish again - right under the chimes. Only this time it will definitely come true.


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  • 21 Feb 2022
#2 қосылды: 04 Dec 2022 @ 12:24 CET цитата келтіру
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