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  • 08 May 2024 @ 04:58 CET
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#1 Posted: 24 Dec 2022 @ 08:29 CET alinti
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Another year slips by Infront of our eyes, which leads to a new year and new hopes and dreams for us fellow human beings. Every New year, we think of certain Do's and Don'ts which we try to follow throughout the year [although more than 70% people give up in the first month itself grin.gif ] But if we think analytically, and make some rational plans, we might as well be able to follow these and ensure a wonderful year. Well, so let me tell you my promises for the 2023 year!

My main focus mill be towards three major domains, mainly:

1) Academics

2) Health

3) Family

I will be elaborating my views on the same very shortly, so make sure to continue reading!

1) ACADEMICS: As a student, academics is very important for me to get a good CGPA and rank in my university. So this must be my primary objective. So i plan on Improving my condition by studying at least for 1 hour every day and completing homework regularly. This is important because backlog pile up can be a major threat and can affect your future studies a lot. Studying one day before an exam and hoping to ace it is a very naïve idea which will only resort to loneliness and depression. So i do not want to give way for this mentality to rise up.


2) HEALTH: I spend a lot of time on the laptop, either studying, or playing dota or vibing to some music. This can be very harmful in the later stages of my life because just sitting in one spot for hours can affect your spinal cord leading to stunted growth over time. So i want to devote 1 hour of my time in a day for exercise. I want to get shredded, want to hit the gym and also do little bit of meditation for a feel-good factor, Most importantly, i should head outside my house more often and meet more people, this will naturally relax my brain cells and i will feel fresh throughout my day :)

Mental health is also very important. So i should try to stay positive a lot and not get affected by the negativity surrounding me. my ecosystem must be an enthusiastic vibe!

3) FAMILY I would, should and HAVE to take care of my parents. For all they have done in the upbringing of me, i must reciprocate the same amounts back and take great care of them, Thus i want to devote another 1 hour as family time, where i sit and chat with my parents and make them feel better, and feel better myself. Even in any household works, if i can lend them a hand, it would be of great help. Any medical issues, i must first get up and aid them.


Thats about it, IM ALL READY FOR THE NEW YEAR! popcorm.gif

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#2 Posted: 24 Dec 2022 @ 23:07 CET alinti
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Link to the topic for work, Closed!

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