Скоро новый сезон, успей набрать свой лучший Ранг с Ладдер Бонусом!

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#1 добавлено: 28 Apr 2023 @ 16:53 CET цитировать
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Good day users and the administration of this beautiful and legendary platform ! Here I want to share my childhood dreams with you guys. Take a sit and I will tell you this story as fast as I can. You will not get bored (I hope so nsm16.png )

Everyone had certain dreams. Especially in childhood people often have colorful dreams and fantastic intentions. These are range from dreams about delicious food to flight to the moon nsm66.png . But in my childhood I had a strong desire to have my own car like this image

You just thought about driving this car right ? excited.gif image

Sure, I really wanted to buy this regardless of its price) My dad would certainly pay for this at the time but my mom persuaded me to buy the big one ("the real one" with her words). Then I cried all day because I couldnt imagine my life without that car. And then my parents came to ask me what I want them to do for me except for that car (because they so much worried about me and were afraid that I would have a car accident and get serious injuries). Ok, I said I want the best bicycle and then I got that fastest bicycle at that time. I really obsessed with that new bicycle that I forgot about the car I wanted to have. However, soon I got bored with bicycle and again demanded the car I wanted to get. My parents got that they dont have another way. Yeah, finally I got that "magic" car. But with some restrictions I couldnt travel to long distances. Giving a car that has the strongest engine to just 5 years old boy is a total disaster for any parents. But from that age I think I build my self-confidence. Overall, it was like a fairy tale. Every time I remember this I start to love my parents harder than before. Thank you guys for your attention ! car.gif

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#2 добавлено: 30 Apr 2023 @ 13:48 CET цитировать
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Link to the topic for work, Closed!

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