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#1 Posted: 06 Oct 2023 @ 16:50 CET quote
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The league starts on 10.20.2023, to register, the team captain must unsubscribe his Discord ID in this thread, or write it to me in private messages on the site or write to me in Discord - skyress9293

1.Terminology and general information:

1.1. A captain is a person who represents his team in the league. The captain is responsible for his team and receives prizes.

1.2. A league match is a gaming event that includes game(s) between two teams in a 5x5 format.

1.3. Match type: 5x5.

1.4. Game mod: Captains Mode (-cm). An additional mod for streamers is Captain Mode Zoom Mode (-cmzm).

1.5. Map: The last one, uploaded to hostbots.

1.6. Number of teams: 12

1.7 System: Group stage + grandfinal

2. Match schedule

2.2.1. The match schedule is prepared by the IDL Super Admin for each stage of the competition.

2.2. Moscow time (MSK).

2.3. Matches can only be rescheduled with the approval of the IDL Super Administrator or his assistant.

3. Substitutions:

3.1. During the match, 2 substitutions are allowed with prior notification to the IDL Administrator.

3.2. If the substitution was not made according to the rules, then the team receives a technical defeat on the cards played with the substitution.

Exception: circumstances that did not allow the information to be conveyed to the judges, but the opponents were not against it.

3.3. The replacement player must not be registered with any other team taking part in the league.

3.4. A reverse substitution to the main player can be made in a match between maps.

4. Pre-match preparation:

4.1. Team captains must arrive at the match 5 minutes before it starts. In case of problems, captains are obliged to notify the IDL Administrators in advance (one day before the game) about the postponement of the match.

4.2. Clan League participants are given 20 minutes to get ready and wait for their opponent. If the participant does not appear within the specified time, he will suffer a technical defeat.

4.3. The break between cards is no more than 15 minutes.

— IDL Super Admin or his assistant can give additional time up to 30 minutes.

4.4. Matches selected for broadcast on the platform's main page begin only in the presence of an official streamer.

4.5. All games are subject to general server rules.

4.6. The game starts only after the permission of the referee.

5. Control over playing squads:

5.1. Before the game, the league administration checks players to see if they can transfer their accounts to other persons.

5.2. If the actual composition does not match the specified one, the team will be awarded a forfeit, and in certain cases, the team will be disqualified at any stage of the league.

Actual team composition - Means that each declared participant plays on his own account.

6. Prohibited:

6.1. Insult and provoke rivals, administration, judges, regardless of where the violation occurs.

6.2. Mislead judges.

6.3. Ignoring the demands of judges.

6.4. Unsportsmanlike behavior (cheating, sabotage, etc.).

6.5. Using any kind of hacks.

6.6. The use of programs/scrypts that provide a clear advantage in the game, such as meepokey, invokerkey, and so on.

6.7. Transfer low-value items (Salve, clarity, etc.) for the purpose of subsequent sale.

The punishment under paragraph 6 is imposed by the IDL Super Administrator, or his assistant.

6.8 It is prohibited to use map bugs that give an advantage in the game.

7. First Pick/Side Selection:

7.1 Team captains enter the "-roll" command. The captain whose indicator is higher has the right to choose: “Take the first pick or side.” This rule applies only to the first map in the match, if we are talking about Bo2/Bo3/Bo5. In subsequent cards, the right to choose is transferred in turn.

8. Game rules

8.1. The rule for choosing a bot and a lat is decided on mutually beneficial terms.

8.2. Neutral bot - RU1. Neutral latency - 25.

8.3. The duration of the game is until the winner is determined.

8.4. The winner of the game is the team that completely destroys the enemy's throne/tree, or which forces the enemy to surrender.

8.5. Creepblock is allowed (you can stop creeps with spells). But, after the end of the spell, the current wave of creeps must continue on its way. If

they stop completely, this is considered a violation.

8.6. Backdoor – ALLOWED.

8.7. If you cannot resolve a conflict situation on your own, contact a judge.

9. Disconnects

9.1. If a player has connection problems or if he has a disconnect and there was no first blood and 5 minutes of game time have not passed, the team has the right to recreate the game up to 3 times.

9.2. If the player has not solved his problems and the disconnect occurs for the 4th time, then the team continues to play without him or gives up.

9.3. In case of a restart, the game must be recreated with the same pick, starting items and the same lines. Changing lanes is allowed after heroes and creeps meet on the lanes.

9.4. In exceptional cases, the IDL Super Admin has the right to allow a replay if there has already been a fb, but 15 minutes have not passed, if the injured party had a clear advantage.

10. Pauses

10.1. The total pause limit per map is 10 minutes (5 minutes for one and 5 minutes for the other team)

10.2. Pausing is permitted only with the consent of the opposing team.

10.3. If the enemy has exceeded the pause time limit, it is allowed to remove the pause after notifying the enemy about it.

10.4. Pausing at the pick-ban stage is prohibited!

10.5. In exceptional cases, the judge may grant additional time for a pause, depending on the circumstances.

11. Judging:

11.1. IDL judges are required to remain on the server for a set time until the end of all matches and help resolve problems.

11.2. The IDL Super Administrator, as well as his assistant, has the right to make changes and additions to the league rules and obliges himself to inform the team captains about these changes.

11.3. For constant contact, a conference of captains is created on Skype (Discord), where the main problems and postponements of matches are resolved.

11.4. The presence of a referee in a match is mandatory. In exceptional cases, the IDL Super Administrator, or his assistant, may allow teams to play without a referee.

11.5. Match referees can be any person selected by the IDL Super Admin or his assistant.

12. Organizational issues:

12.1. One player has the right to have only one main game account on IDL. The team must have a captain and 4 main players, and also, the captain can optionally include 2 reserve players.

All squads must be completed and registered with the league before the start of the group stage.

12.2. Missing a match twice during a season can result in a team being kicked out of the league. If a team is excluded from the league, the results of all its matches

are cancelled.

12.3. By participating in the league, the captain automatically agrees that he has read the league rules and agrees to abide by them. The team captain is responsible for informing all players on his team about the rules.

12.4. The team captain is obliged to monitor the information from the IDL skype (discord) conference and pass the information on to his team members.

12.5. The captain is required to keep all replays of his team until the winner of the league is determined. Be it victories or defeats.

12.6. All situations that arise that do not fit the above rules are resolved with the help of the IDL Super Administrator or his assistant.

12.7. The IDL Super Administrator, as well as his assistant, can at any time add or change any of the rules at his own discretion, guided by common sense, experience and understanding of the game.

12.8. The IDL Super Administrator, as well as his assistant, can resolve any controversial issues, guided by common sense and life experience.

13. Important notes:

13.1 Team captains undertake to save and upload to the website all replays of matches within the league.

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